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No. You can still read our articles, but won’t be able to download them into PDF format, leave comments, or submit your own articles via the website (although you can still send them to info@psychoanalysistoday.org)

To sign into the Psychoanalysis.Today website, click on the button at the top of the home page called ‘Sign In’, then use the same username and password that you use to log into the IPA website. 


Click on the ‘forgot password’ link and you will be sent an email with steps to create a new one.

If you don’t have membership of the IPA website you can still read our articles, but won’t be able to download them into PDF format, leave comments, or submit your own articles via the website (although you can still send them to info@psychoanalysistoday.org)

To submit articles for our 'Psychoanalytic Reflections' or 'Psychoanalysis in the Community' sections of the website, either send them to info@psychoanalysistoday.org or follow the ‘Submit an Article’ process using the button at the bottom of each page.

If you would like to write for one of our upcoming issues, please contact us at info@psychoanalysistoday.org to discuss this with our editors. 

Articles for our 'Psychoanalytic Reflections' or 'Psychoanalysis in the Community' sections should be up to 1000 words; films should be up to 5 minutes. 

We accept a variety of formats: texts (up to 1000 words), films (up to 5 minutes), pictures, cartoons or interviews that are connected to the topic you wish to share. 

Articles for the 'Psychoanalytic Reflections' or 'Psychoanalysis in the Community' sections of our site should be provided in at least 1-2 of the journal’s languages: (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German). Unfortunately we do not have the funds to translate into other languages, but are happy to put up as many language versions as you can provide. 

For the 'Psychoanalytic Reflections' section of our journal, we welcome articles on politics, society, culture, human relationships, environment, the intrapsychic world, intimate experience etc. We believe that psychoanalysts should contribute to the discussion of contemporary problems, and so invite papers on any of these topics. Our 'Psychoanalysis in the Community' section features local projects that institutes or individuals are participating in which bring psychoanalytic ideas and practices into local community work.

Please go to the search page and click on the tab called 'Previous e-journal issues'. This will dropdown to give the titles of previous issues. Click against the name of the one that you would like to see, and then click on 'Search Articles'. The papers for that issue will show in the main part of the screen.

You can use the search facility at the top of each page, or go to our search page, where you can search for articles by typing key words into the search box, or select specific categories by clicking on the list on the left side of the page.  
If you are looking for specific authors, please go to our author search page, where you will be given an alphabetical list. If you click on a name you will be given short biographical details and a list of their titles on the Psychoanalysis.Today website

If you are looking for specific authors, please go to our author search page where you will be given an alphabetical list. If you click on a name you will be given short biographical details and a list of their titles on the Psychoanalysis.Today website